We help
Solar Companies Hyper-Growth, Increase Market Domination and driving new revenue for the 
commercial department.

...without 0$ in ads, marketing or project brokers

We Reinforce our Partners Businesses

                        Making easy working with World Leaders like the ones above.

Who is this for?

This is not for solar companies that do have not enough resources to scale and you don't have happy customers. The method outlined will not work. If you are in this category, we suggest focusing on fulfillment and logistics before scaling.

If you want to build inside of company a customer acquisition system and multyple acquistion channels.

If you're sales department typically engage in longer sales cycles due to unqoalified leads.

If your lead acquisition depends on purchasing leads from third parties or do ads, and you're experiencing lately a increasing cost per acqusition but still  unqualified leads.

If you're looking to increase your enterprise evaluation and have a partner that drives the whole company by a holistic approach not just a lead gen agency.

If you are sick of burning money on ads, marketing agency, or project brokers that overpromise and underdeliver.

If you're looking to reduce your reliance on 1 channel-driven flow and establish a more consistent and sustaniable lead flow.

Qualified lead-flow increase.
C&I Department
Revenue Growth.
Money spend on marketing
Average market share growth.
Average results after 1 year, based on our last 19 partners.

Pursuit of Megawatts: The new way of Hyper Growth

What should I expect if we'll work with you?

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Why relying solely on one acquisition channel may destroy your business growth

In today's market, the solar energy solutions have become increasingly commonplace, especially in the commercial sector. Many providers tout their quality products and years of experience, but when these claims become the industry standard, they can start to seem ordinary to potential buyers.

Biggest bottle neck is their client acquisition and broad TAM, having and relying on 1 channel (buying leads, referral, ads, or projects brokers) on a broad scale make your offer and company to get lost in the masses of offers for solar panels.

What sets businesses apart is their ability to narrow down the TAM segmentation and increase the acquisition channels. While roughly 90% of companies focus on rooftop solar installations for office buildings, logistics warehouses, or shopping malls, this is where the 90% of competition is, yet there are still untapped opportunities in industries like agriculture, wineries, and train manufacturing. These sectors represent blue oceans, even 0 competition if you create an authority over this markets.

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Expanding your TAM while building multiple strategically targeting acquisition channels, increase by over 4X the company revenue.

Focusing on one acquisition channel is like going to a fishing contest with 1 fishing road and 1 hook. Your whole business relies on just one commoditized market. If you have been to a fishing contest you saw all the fishermen have 4-5-6 roads all with different hooks and bait, they quadruple the chance to get a fish, same in solar.

Setup multiple acquisition channels and segmenting the TAM into a narrowed industry build value assets in order to become an authority in that industry realm will drastically increase your enterprise value and get you more qoalifyed leads in the pipeline without the need to pay for the leads, this is exactly what we do.

We are a growth partner that sets up the whole process in order to help increase the enterprise value. Broadly speaking, this is how the process looks like starting with expanding and narrow hyper-targeting for your TAM, building for the new ICP the new acquisition system, tripling your pipeline value, and creating brand & value assets for you in order to become the industry authority( this by default will print also qualified leads) and helping your sales team cut in half the sales cycle by doing sales enablement. In the end, our objective is to grow your enterprise revenue, stabilize more acquisition channels, and elevate your sales team.

Case study 1

Transforming GEC Energia, a Spanish solar developer, from $7 million in annual revenue to $17 million while simultaneously reducing the sales cycle by half and boosting the closing rate to an impressive 24%.

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Case study 2

Reviving Solar Switcher's sales from zero to $11.8 million in 11 months helping them to do a great market penetration into a new country.

How we help them to sell 11.8M in the last 11 months?! no ads

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Case study 3

T&S Energy, previously residential-focused, reached 4 MW in sales with our support in their first year, surpassing their 1 MW target. We trained their sales team for commercial success and established a self-sustaining, cost-free lead generation system.

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Case study 4

B&H Energie GmbH aimed for a 10% residential market share in their country and sought significant exposure. We played a key role in creating brand assets, setting up traffic channels, and building their sales funnel. In only 10 months, they reached an impressive 9% market share, and their growth continues.

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Case study 5

Partnering with Nuuko Solar, a German Solar Installer, we set our sights on achieving a 10 MW project scale within a year. The journey involved overcoming several challenges, including operational scalability, fierce competition, the absence of valuable assets, inefficient sales processes, and the need for skilled installers.

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How we scale a solar developer from $1.5M to $10M in 18 months without ads, buying leads or do any marketing.

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Results are guaranteed

As we are completely confident in the results our 4-step growth accelerator will produce, we are offering a 200% ROI guarantee.

This means that if you do not earn AT LEAST 2x your initial investment, we will give you all the money back.

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/round-golden-luxury-label_1111723.htm#query=guarantee%20badge&position=16&from_view=search&track=ais">Image by starline</a> on Freepik

Frequently asked questions

How do you achieve the addition of 10MW+ in projects annually?

We are not a marketing agency, we are a growth partner. We leverage a comprehensive approach that optimises your sales, existing resources and processes, streamlining operational efficiency, implementing targeted strategies for market expansion and client acquisition.

What sets your approach apart from traditional methods?

The old approaches like buying leads form 3rd parties, projects from brokers, doing social media marketing, or relying on referrals are not helping you to grow. Everyone can provide you with leads, but just a few can help you grow.

We already have a marketing team, can we still work with you?

Yes, even though you have a marketing team, we still can implement with success this system and grow your business, before we finish our projects (after 12 months) we teach your team how to manage this and how to scale it without us.

What level of involvement is required from our team?

We work closely with your team to understand your goals and tailor our strategies accordingly. While collaboration is key, our goal is to implement Pareto principle in order to achieve 80% of revenue you'll need to put less than 20% of work, we do the 80% of work for 20% of revenue to ensure you in the end all our solutions are seamlessly integrated into your operations and ready to scale after we end our collaboration.

How a potential partnership looks like ?

We and our 12 A-players team would be dedicated to work 1-1 with you and your team to achieve your goals. Your growth is our responsibility and we gonna help you with the entire business, we aren't a " lead generation " where we provide leads. We take a holistic approach by help you growing.

We are a growth partner at the based, so we'll build all of this for your business taior-made and after we'll leave you end up with all the brand assets, customer acquisition system and every asset that we build for your growth.

Ready to Grow?

Here is our calendar, feel free to book a meeting, see you soon!